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Responsive back to top using Bootstrap | 2my4edge

Back to top using bootstrap, we already discussed some tutorials about bootstrap . Bootstrap makes the work very simple like that, to we are ...


Simple blinking effect using css3 and Jquery | 2my4edge

Simple blink effect using css3 and with Jquery. We usually use text-decoration:blink; is for blink effect css. but now a days it is not working. so we are going the alternative solution. that is by using CSS3 and with Jquery. here i'm going to tell you two methods to use this blink effect one is with CSS3 and another one is with Jquery.


Cart quantity increment / decrement using Javascript onclick

OnClick increment and decrement value in input text for cart quantity value. here i'm going to help you a onclick increment value and decrement value in input type cart quantity field. let see the code for on click increment and decrement.


Simple way to make text center to the div using css3

Today i'm going to tell you one small trick to make text center in div by vertically and horizontally. here i'm going to make the texts center of the div using css3 transform code. lets see the simple code below.


Codeigniter basic structure to set Frontend and Backend

CodeIgniter is an open source rapid development web application framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP. CodeIgniter is loosely based on the popular Model-View-Controller development pattern. While controller classes are a necessary part of development under CodeIgniter, models and views are optional. latest stable version 3.0.0 was released March 31, 2015. here im going to tell you a simple method the set admin panel view and user view by using Codeigner.


Copyright content text and webpage url while copying data in webpage

Here i'm going to tell you one of most interesting and simple script to make our web page url and content copyright text while copying data from our web page. this is one of the simple and useful technique to make our site spread while copying our data form our site.


Responsive fancy style sidebar menu

Here i'm going to tell you that simple side bar navigation menu with dropdown feature in fancy style, now a days all the websites are coming with response design so here i'm going to tell that fancy style responsive navigation menu like hide show style. i hope you really like this tutorial. lets see the coding.


Responsive fancy style sidebar menu

Here i'm going to tell you that simple side bar navigation menu with dropdown feature in fancy style, now a days all the websites are coming with response design so here i'm going to tell that fancy style responsive navigation menu like hide show style. i hope you really like this tutorial. lets see the coding.


Very flexible Hover css effects using Hover.css

I was used this css to my recent project, This is really nice and time consumes for css hover effects. Here it is very simple we just have to give to class name in the class and it will automatically takes that realted effect. this is very simple for hover effects. let me tell the details about the hover.css.


Google Doodles style animation using Jquery

The Google Doodle is an artistic version of the Google logo. Google Doodles represent events like holidays, anniversaries, or current events. Some of the doodles were limited to Google's country specific home pages while others appeared globally. Doodles are the fun, surprising, and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists. and here we are going to see simple way to code like google doodle style animation using javascript. lets see the coding.


Google Inbox style design using Bootstrap

Here i'm going to make google inbox style design using bootstrap with font-awesome icons. i hope everybody knew about google inbox that is similar like gmail. In that, there is an design for compose mail as i'm showing in the below image. like that only we are going do here. lets see the code.


How to add Google translator to our website

Google is providing translation option for visitor, by this way it served more than 200+ million people. Google translate is multilingual service provide by Google Inc. Google translate supports 90 languages. here we are going to see step by step process to get google translator to our web site. lets follow the steps.


Auto complete Google map in form input type using geocomplete Jquery

Here i'm going to tell you one of the interesting thing regarding web development. now a days most of the website need google map location while we are entering location name, for that we have one solution. When we are entering the location name in input type you will get map for that particular location by using Jquery, let see the code for that.


Responsive navbar menu using bootstrap

Bootstrap Navbars are responsive meta components that serve as navigation headers for your application or site. They begin collapsed (and are toggleable) in mobile views and become horizontal as the available viewport width increases. Justified navbar nav links are currently not supported.